I had the most moving experience today at the gym. I walked into the locker room to change up for my workout and noticed two very heavy set young girls just standing there staring at me. One of the girls finally asked me; "How did you get your body like that?" I responded by telling her...well, I work out a minimum of 5 days a week and I eat what's good for me and stay away from foods that I know are not good for me. I also told her that working out is simply a part of my lifestyle. She proceeded to ask questions of how, and what she should do, which I was more than happy to explain and share with her. In the meantime, the other girl, still just standing there, saying nothing but staring at me...begin to cry. I begin to encourage her and tell her that, just the fact that she's in the gym is a great start. I told her don't quit, but to hang in there and to keep doing what she's doing and in time she'll begin to see results; and don't be discouraged by what other people say or how they look. Everyone is different, never compare yourself to someone else. My Pastor says, "before you begin admiring what someone else has or have accomplished, ask them, what did they sacrifice to get there?". Trust me, I sacrifice everyday to stay on track to be dedicated, consistent and focused, which is the key to any breakthrough that you are trying to accomplish. I admire both girls for just making the effort to walk into the gym and for taking the first steps in changing their lives for the better.
Live Fit Live Strong!
Live Fit Live Strong!