Thursday, January 17, 2013

Women...Afraid to Lift Weights? Group Power is a Great Alternative!

I just completed a 3-day certification training class in Group Power!  It was the most amazing experience ever!  The instructor pushed me beyond MY limits of what I thought I could do.  In just 3-days, I was lifting heavier than I ever thought I could without a spotter.  Ladies, don't be afraid to pick up the weights.  You will be amazed at how quick your body will respond to burning off that stubborn fat.  Not only is this class FUN, you get results FAST!  Now, don't get me's for men and women and anybody at any age.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Today is the Day...Happy New Year!

Well, today is the day! Some of you have made resolutions to get in the best shape of your life. Some, like myself are just hitting the gym as usual. Whichever, you are...get up and just do it! Make today the day to change your life for the better, I guarantee you won't regret it. Getting started is the most difficult part on this journey to health and fitness for life. Just focus on the first 30 days, get a routine together that you can honestly commit yourself to doing at least 3-4 times per week, stay off the scale and prepare healthy meals ahead of time, so that you don't fall into making unhealthy food choices. For anyone that needs some additional help in getting started, I'm always open to help or give advice. Come can do this! Today is the day!