Have you ever thought of competing in a women's figure competition? Well, after all of your hard work in the gym and getting so many compliments...maybe you should consider getting on stage to be rewarded publicly for your hard work. I've competed in many shows and each time, I must say, it was such a thrill! Of course there are many factors to take into consideration then just the compliments.

You have to be at the top of your physique before stepping up to be judged against your fitness peers. You have to set a goal, pick a show and get to it! Train like you've never trained before..follow your diet to the letter. Get with a trainer to show you the proper poses and how to walk impressively across the stage to show off your assets.
Not only are you being judged on your physique, but your beauty as well. You want your hair and make-up to be flawless. You need to be beautifully tanned and toned and wearing a two piece posing suit that fits. Whatever you do, don't feel pressured to get on stage if you're not ready! No matter what anyone tells you; if you feel that you're not tight enough or you still have a little too much jiggle under the glutes or around your mid-section to get rid of...don't do it! I have to say, nothing is worst to see a competitor get on stage not ready to compete.
Setting this type of goal isn't for everyone, however, I think it's a great goal to put on your list...if for nothing else, but motivation!
Live Fit Live Strong!!
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