Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Leave These Morning Gut Busters Alone!

10 Despicable Doughnuts // Boston cream doughnut © Thomas MacDonald/Mitch Mandel 
Believe it or not, a cruller or Long John may be a better choice for an occasional breakfast indulgence than one of their circular cousins, the bagel. Doughnuts tend to pack fewer calories and fat than bagels simply because they’re smaller and less dense. But of course, this isn’t always the case. Some rings are nothing more than a fried vehicle to carry chocolate, sprinkles, cream, and calorie-laden nuts. (Clean up your eating habits with this guide to inner and outer beauty.) http://www.youbeingbeautifulbook.com/youbeingbeautifulbook/fitbie/index?keycode=211458&cm_mmc=Fitbie.com-_-Editorial%20Contextual-_-Site_Link-_-You_Being_Beautiful

To make sure this treat doesn’t deliver permanent damage to your gut, we dug around and found some of the worst rings around. Read on to discover more about these disgusting doughnuts. 

Dunkin’ Donuts Blueberry Crumb Donut
500 calories, 18 g fat, 350 mg sodium, 52 g sugar

The addition of blueberries may sound wholesome, but don’t be fooled. This sickeningly sweet treat packs 500 calories and 52 grams of sugar—or the equivalent of 20 Hershey’s Kisses.

Caribou Coffee Apple Fritter
500 calories, 16 g fat, 660 mg sodium, 24 g sugar

While the calorie count of this fried piece of dough is enough to make your eyes pop, it’s the sodium count that’s really shocking. If you have one of these apple fritters for breakfast, you’re already at 44% of your recommended daily sodium intake before the day’s even half over.

Starbucks Old Fashioned Glazed Doughnut

420 calories, 21 g fat, 260 g sodium, 34 g sugar

Want some sugar with your coffee? One of these doughnuts contains as many calories and as much sugar as fourteen Starburst squares.

Little Debbie Mini Frosted Donuts

240 calories, 14 g fat, 170 mg sodium, 15 g sugar (4)

Little Debbie’s mini donuts aren’t the worst of the lot—but that’s only if you keep their serving size in check. They’re practically bite-size, so it’s easy to pop twice as many in your mouth as you should.

Krispy Kreme Vanilla Iced Crème Filled Doughnut

360 calories, 19 g fat, 160 mg sodium, 22 g sugar

Oozing with a crème filled center, this indulgence is loaded with 360 calories and 19 grams of fat. If you are craving for a ring, stick to one of the restaurant’s fresh-off-the-presses glazed doughnuts (200 calories, 12 g fat, 95 mg sodium, 10 g sugar). 

As I've always told you....sugar is the devil! Stay away from it, because it will only bring you down and destroy you.  The devil makes everything look really good, until you partake of the forbidden fruit and only then are your eyes wide open and you feel like crap.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

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