Monday, July 16, 2012

Want to Get Rid of Belly Fat?

Relax!  One key influence of your metabolism and burning fat is….stress.

Experts believe stress can send unwanted signals to our body, signals that lead to slower metabolism.  Essentially, when the body is under constant stress, it releases stress hormones that flood the system.  These stress hormones actually tell the body to create larger fat cells.  Guess where?  In the abdomen!  That’s right; and some of wonder why it is the hardest area to tone up.  Now you know that stress is one of the main reasons, of course in addition to your diet.  The results can be both increased weight and a slower metabolism when you’re stressed out.  Stress not only makes you put on weight or lose weight, but stress can silently kill you. 

Here are some easy stress relievers:

  • Walk more (take the stairs instead of the elevator at work)
  • Listening to relaxing music
  • Meditate on a daily basis
  • Practice yoga (teaches you how to really relax)
  • Eat non-stimulating foods (e.g. no caffeine, no sugar, soda, etc.)
  • Re-center yourself and de-stress (mentality and emotionally)

So there is a link between how much stress you experience and your ability to break down those stubborn fat cells and lose weight.  If you are one of those individuals that have a hard time relaxing, because you think you don’t have the time; just know that your stressed-out life is probably playing a huge role in your weight gain or your inability to lose weight.  Though you may be eating all of the right food and you still don’t see a change; don’t get frustrated, sit down in a quiet room and tell yourself that you have made up your mind to not let anything or anyone stress you out.  You must learn that sometimes you just have to walk away, tune them out and/or eliminate those things that bring you down and make you unhappy.  It’s what I’ve had to do and believe me, it works!  I feel great and I have been able to maintain my weight and I’m totally stress free.

Live Fit Live Strong!


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  2. Hi Jonatheran! Thanks for visiting my blog, your comments are most appreciated. Say tuned.....
