Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fast Weight-Loss Secrets

There are a number of products and supplements on the market that promise weight-loss. Some have fantastic results, some unbelievable results, some work and some don't. Some products work for one group of people and not the other. So what is the best way to lose extra weight in the form of fat? 

Fitness and subsequently fat-loss is a three-edged sword, weight training, aerobics and nutrition. One is not more important than the other. One alone is not the answer. 

You have to be careful about the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Most people don't realize that too much carbohydrate intake can inhibit the metabolization of fats for energy. This is caused by the excess production of insulin to metabolize the sugars. Excess insulin also inhibits the production of the growth hormone and the metabolization of fats for energy. So, fat-free or not, it may still get stored as fat. Without getting too much into nutrition here, just be advised that excess sugars are not the answer to weight loss. 

Weight training requires energy to perform the actions. What you don't burn, gets stored. Increases in muscle mass raise the basal metabolic rate (BMR) by about 50 calories per pound of muscle. So, fat burning occurs all day long even after the weight training session is over. Remember, muscle doesn't build in the gym, it builds when you rest and mostly when you sleep during the muscle repair cycle. This type of exercise is anaerobic, meaning that oxygen is not utilized during the energy production cycle, therefore, fat is not burned since oxygen is required for fat burning. Circuit Training is somewhat aerobic. 

Aerobics are also an important part of weight loss both directly and indirectly. During approximately the first 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, the body burns simple sugars and carbohydrates stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver. After the stores are depleted, then the fat stores are tapped for energy. This trains the body to utilize fat for energy. This type of exercise, as the name implies, is aerobic and requires oxygen to metabolize the fat for energy. Remember, what the body doesn't do often, the body losses it's ability to do efficiently. No aerobic exercise means the body's ability to metabolize fat and it's ability to supply oxygen to the muscles for work diminishes. 

The easy way out that many people take is to reduce eating. This can be a bad move because the body will reduce the metabolic rate to conserve fat stores. This will cause, naturally, weight gain. 

Read the supplement and weight-loss labels. Some contain mild herbal laxatives (fennel seeds, licorice root, etc.) Laxatives can be addictive in that they cause peristalsis (bowel activity) to slow down. This can be chronic and cause long lasting damage. 

So, what's the best way to lose weight? Watch the calories, weight train, do aerobics at least three times a week. Studies show that the ideal heart range for fat burning is around 50% to 60% of your maximum not 80% to 90% as most people believe. Running is a good form of aerobic exercise but can debilitate the joints. 

However, walking at a brisk pace 3.5 to 4.5 miles per hour will bring the heart rate to about 50% to 60% of maximum and without the high impact damage. On a per mile basis, walking burns 80% of the calories that running does. You can also walk for longer periods and greater frequencies without risking joint damage. 

Another low impact fat burning exercise is paddle boating. Hard to believe but you are using large muscle groups for a period of at least an hour or more. The benefit is that it is no impact and fun. Stationary bicycles with a set tension provide the same benefit but without the same fun element. Outdoor biking is fun but half the time you may be coasting. You might want to substitue one for the other so your workout doesn't get boring. 

The best type of aerobic exercise is naturally the one that you like to do best as they say. However, the exercise that you do least is the one that will burn the most fat because your body is not efficient at that particular exercise. Unless you're in competition, you really don't want to become efficient at any type of exercise if the goal is weight loss and cardiovascular training. This is true of any activity whether it be biking, swimming, etc. 

Our bodies are unlike any other machines that become less efficient due to wear and tear. We can wear out our bodies mechanically from overuse but energy production will become more efficient. Remember, keep the body guessing.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Benefits of Working out as a Couple

Even though you both may have different fitness goals in mind, it doesn’t mean that you can’t motivate each other to be healthy.  It also allows for the two of you to spend quality time with each other and you’ll truly be helping each other out.  The biggest bonus is togetherness and bonding as one.  Here are some major benefits in working out as a couple:

  1. Encouragement - You can always count on your spouse to boost you up and motivate you to workout even if you don’t feel like going or training at all.
  2. Quality Time – This is a great time to catch up!  To talk about your day without the day to day distractions, it’s just you and your spouse one-on-one.  A great time to learn more about each other….major quality time.
  3. Learn from each other – You each may be able to share your experiences with each other or actually learn from each other as you go through your workout program together.  Men, it’s great to have you there to spot your spouse if needed to really push her through to that last set. 
  4. Common Interest – Being able to workout together displays that you can actually be interested in the same thing!  It also allows you to change it up and try new and different activities with one another, for example maybe rock climbing or bicycling, hiking, dancing, yoga, whatever!  These are just a few activities that can get you out of the gym to enjoy a different surrounding from time to time and you can make it a really fun fitness date!
  5. Bonding – When you constantly exercise or stay active, it causes the brain to release chemicals that relieve stress, tension and brings on feelings of happiness.  As a plus, these chemicals also increase your feelings of arousal and libido…now that’s some deep bonding!  Who doesn’t want better intimacy with their spouse?

So the best way to get started is to sign up to the gym or for a few classes together; something that you both may be interested in trying.  Once you get started on your program together, you both will be off to living a long healthy life together.  I promise, you’ll wonder why you didn’t’ start sooner.  

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

How to Eat to Compete or Just Walk the Beach!

If your goal is to step on the stage and compete, or just to get an amazing fit body for the beach, take note of these very important eating tips. These steps are guaranteed to get you a winning physique!

  1. Stay hydrated; drink plenty of water throughout the day, at least 2-4 quarts a day.  Drink water before, after and with every meal, this will help prevent overeating. Schedule and eat 5-6 meals a day, 2-3 hours apart, this includes a healthy snack.
  2. Eat protein 4-5 times day; lean chicken breast, turkey, egg whites and white fish.
  3. Eat plenty of vegetables as this will be the majority of your carbohydrates.
  4. NO sugar, salt, flour or fat.  These are nothing but added calories!
  5. Protein Shakes with low or no carbohydrates are the perfect snacks.
  6. Keep track of your daily intake of calories, grams of protein, fat and carbs.  Remember, portion control, portion control, portion control!!  If you have a problem with the amount of portions you should be eating, trying weighing your food on a scale before cooking.
  7. Last but not least…get plenty of rest and recovery time.

This is the perfect meal plan when you’re about 8-10 weeks out from a show or when you’re getting ready to take a strut on the beach!  The timeframe of how long you should follow this plan, all depends on how disciplined and focused you.  Remember, you still have to train and get in your cardio as well every day. 

Give it a try and let me know your results, send me before and after pictures, I would love to hear about it!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Burn Fat Faster

If you want to burn fat faster, try interval training.  Interval training takes you to another level in fitness, fat burning, endurance, power and strength.  Interval training is a combination of  a high-intensity movement/exercise with a short rest period.  For example you would perform as many burpees as possible for either 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest for 8 sets or 60 seconds with 10 seconds of rest for 8 sets.  There are several high intensity exercises that you can perform in you HIIT workout.  Get yourself an Interval Timer, like the Gym Boss to help you stay on track.   Before starting any interval training be certain to stretch first!  I've listed a few exercises below to get you started:

1. Jog in Place
2. Jumping Jacks
3. Knee Kick
4. Burpees

1. Crunch on Stability Ball
2. Plank
3. Side Plank
4. Side Bend w/dumbbells
5. Bicycles

Lower Body
1. Squat
2. Fire Hydrant
3. Side Leg Raise
4. Walking Lunges
5. Squat with Kick

Upper Body
1. Bent Over Row w/dumbbells
2. Chest Fly on Stability Ball w/dumbbells
3. Bicep Curl w/dumbbells
4. Tricep Kickbacks w/dumbbells
5. Push Ups

These are just a few to get you started on increasing your strength and endurance and some serious fat burning.  I'll be posting fitness videos soon with some of these fat blasting workouts!  

Stay tuned....Live Fit Live Strong!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Keeping in Shape after Saying “I Do”

Why do people think that it’s okay to put on a few pounds after they get married?  Most of the time, it’s not just a few pounds, but they really let themselves go!  Just because you’re married, doesn’t mean that you no longer have to care about your weight or your health for that matter.  If that’s what you think….you seriously need to think again!  When people get married they get complacent, and perhaps some bad habits may start to rub off on each other. 

Though this applies to both men and women, I’m going to speak directly to the women for now.  Ladies, you have to keep it sexy!  Don’t get so comfortable with your spouse and start thinking, “Oh he loves me for me”.  Well, do you think that’s what attracted him to you; the extra 20+ pounds?  Remaining slim, trim and healthy, especially if that’s how you were when you met him, is probably what attracted him to you in the first place.  Sure, it’s possible it may have been your personality, blah, blah, blah, but do you really think it’s your personality that he enjoys in the bedroom?  Or, your sexy, fit, energetic physique?

Now men, we too want the same things that you want in a spouse.  No, we don’t like the extra 20+ on you either, or the beer belly and love handles.  Some men are so quick to criticize their spouses, without first taking a good look in the mirror.  However, there are several things you can do together to keep it exciting and remain attractive to each other, so that his or her eyes don’t start to wander, and you both can truly live in marital bliss.

 1.       Exercise together as a couple, either workout at the gym, bike ride, running, walking, do something that you both enjoy and like to do to stay active.

2.       Cook healthy meals and eat together at the kitchen table, when you eat and run you tend to eat the wrong foods or overeat more than you should.

3.       Bring your lunch to work, this way you can control what you eat and save money at the same time.

4.       Cut down on the amount of alcoholic beverages you consume.  A 5-ounce glass of wine has about 120 calories.  Drink a few glasses on the weekend as a special treat, not each night of the week.  If you drink 2-glasses of wine at dinner each night (120 calories x 2 glasses x 5 nights=1,200 calories).  Ouch!  That’s an extra 1,200 calories in one week!

5.       Keep the romance alive!  Encourage and help each other reach their fitness goals.  If you see your spouse falling down on the job, pick them up and encourage them to keep going, don’t criticize.

6.       Make a commitment to be healthy for a lifetime together!

Who wants to look back at their wedding photos of the happy smiling couple and think, “Who are those folks?”  “What happened to us?”  “Wow, we really let ourselves go”.    

I’m just saying….

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

When Should You Invest in a Personal Trainer?

If you are new and just starting out on a fitness plan, you will need to know your way around the gym and proper and effective use of the machines and weights.

If you are training for an upcoming sporting event, run, marathon or fitness competition.  Need a little extra motivation to inspire you to accomplish your goals?  A Personal Trainer can provide you with a program to do just that!  Also, if you are working out and not seeing any results…it’s time to get a trainer involved.

When you choose a Personal Trainer, choose wisely.  Check to make sure they hold a certification, better yet observe them in the gym to see how they interact with their clients.  Are they giving them their undivided attention?  Or, are they not focused, talking on their cell during a session or to everyone else during the time that you are paying them for their services.  A Personal Trainer needs to be engaged with his or her client at all times.  The more engaged they are, you can be certain that proper form is being used during each exercise, as well as motivating you to push harder throughout the set.  They also need to be concerned of your well being, not only in the gym, but also when you’re not at the gym in regards to your nutritional health. 

Yes, trainers can look the part with their amazingly fit bodies, but can your trainer perform to meet your expectations?  Just something to think about….

Live Fit Live Strong!!

How to Battle the Bulge

Want to know a sure fire way to help battle the bulge?  You need to eat foods that are slow to digest, because slower digestion means that your body has to work harder, which means your body burns more calories in order to process your meal.  When it comes to a resistant starch, a unique fiber that resists digestion…that’s right, you guessed it...Cannellini Beans!  These legumes lead the pack!  This is what Janine Higgins, PhD. explains, lead author of a University of Colorado study on weight loss.

The Cannellini bean is a kidney bean and requires special preparation to remove compounds that can cause, let’s see, how can I say it nicely…yes, gastric distress; we all know what that means….right?  You must boil the beans for at least 10 minutes, even longer to remove the toxins.  You must boil these beans, after you have soaked them overnight and cook on a slow simmer for 1-2 hours or until tender.  Cannellini beans are found in many popular Italian cuisines.  It is a staple of minestrone, fagioli’s and salads.

You can battle the bulge with eating a ½ cup daily!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's Crunch Time..I'm Talking Peanut Butter!

Remember those endless and tasty peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as a kid?  I used to love them!  Well, as an adult, I have discovered that peanut butter is actually a waist friendly food.  Peanut butter is packed with niacin, which keeps the digestive system on track and prevents belly bloat.  Now, you noticed that I left out the part about the jelly…right?  Remember, jelly is the junk food of the fruit family, nothing but sugar.  As my brother says, stay away from sugar…sugar is the devil!

Though peanut has these benefits, it also has a lot of fat, so you must limit yourself to no more than two tablespoons a day.  Choose wisely, pick all-natural peanut butter, which doesn’t contain added sugar.


Live Fit Live Strong!!

Crunch Time

Crunch Time

Our great-tasting all-natural peanut butter just got even better! We've reformulated Crunch Time so that it is now in the No-Stir Natural style. We've added a little bit of palm fruit oil (containing zero cholesterol and zero trans fats) to keep the peanut oil from separating. This means no more stirring the oil back in! Made of peanuts blended with great big pieces of chopped peanuts, a little bit of salt, and a little bit of cane juice for sweetness, this delicious no-stir version brings you closer to the peanut butter of your childhood without the high fructose corn syrup and the hydrogenated oil!

16 oz.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Step Up Your Game!

Are you getting bored with your workout?  Or, getting a little tired of the gym scene and need break?  Well, there are many ways to step up your game with other activities that will help you burn calories.  The amount of calories burned varies depending on your weight.  I’ve listed below a few activities and the amount of calories you can burn; you can try taking a dance or yoga class to mix it up as well.  I love bicycling, because I enjoy being outside, especially when the weather is beautiful.  Bicycling tones and tightens your butt, calves and hamstrings and who doesn't want that! 

  1. Aerobic Class 340
  2. Swimming (20 yards/min) 290
  3. Competitive Basketball 660
  4. Bicycling (13 mph) 600
  5. Hiking 460
  6. Jogging 690
  7. Racquetball 620
  8. Rock Climbing 740

Here are a few things you can be doing around the house to burn calories as well:

  1. Vacuuming 220
  2. Gardening 270
  3. Grocery Shopping 180
  4. Shoveling Snow 580
 All of the above are great alternatives to the gym when you a need a temporary change of scenery.  However, don’t stay away too long, because check out how many calories you burn in the gym:

  1. Weight Training (30 seconds between sets) 760
  2. Weight Training (60 seconds between sets) 570

**The above is based on a person weighing 150 pounds, if you weigh more you will burn more, if you weigh less you will burn slightly less calories.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

IFPA Pro Bodybuilder...Dave Davis

Check out for the latest news in Natural Bodybuilding, upcoming events and current competitors. Also, visit my brothers FB Fan Page, Dave C Davis, IFPA Pro Bodybuilder.   What can I say we're a family of gym junkies!  :-)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Start off on your new workout program slowly.  Don’t get in the gym and think that you’re going to accomplish your fitness goals in a week.  If you go in with this attitude you will get discouraged.  So many people make this mistake and end up quitting before seeing the results that are guaranteed to come in time.  Some people think that if they push themselves as hard as they can they can lose the weight in only a few work outs. 

First, this is not the way it works!  If you push yourself this way you can end up with injuries that can include torn ligaments, sprained joints and a sore back.  Remember, you didn’t’ put the weight on in a week, so know that it’s going to take more than a week to get it off.  Start off slow…in the end you will win the race and accomplish your fitness goals!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Do You Want to Lose Weight or Body Fat?

Do you want to lose weight or body fat?  Do you know the difference?  I think what you really want to achieve is a lean, healthy, defined, amazing body!  Am I right?  I mean who doesn't want to feel attractive, sexy and confident?  

Well, let me tell you what you need to do and what you should not be doing to accomplish this very attainable goal.  If you are only focused on losing weight, you will not accomplish your fitness goal of getting the body as described above.  It's not about losing weight, it's about changing the composition of your body, which is made up of muscle, fat, tissue, water and glycogen.  To get a lean body, your goal is to get rid of the body fat and maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible.

This is how you get in shape.  First get off the scale!  Stop worrying about your weight and only focusing on the number you see on the scale and start focusing on the percentage of body fat you're losing and keep eating your 4-6 small meals a day that will help to maintain your muscle.  If you don't focus on  maintaining the muscle, you will weigh less, however, you will have a soft and flabby out of shape body.  Which is so unattractive.  Remember, burning body fat while maintaining lean muscle is the key!  Not eating puts your body in a state of survival from starvation and your body will naturally begin to store fat.

Again, focus on your body fat percentage, continue to eat 4-6 small healthy meals daily, workout to gain and maintain muscle mass.  Do this, and I guarantee you will begin to see your body change into a lean mean muscle machine!  Well, you know what I mean....  :-)

Live Fit Live Strong

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sitting on Your Bum is Hazardous to Your Health

Slowing down the aging process is as simple as getting off the couch and doing something!  Get yourself into some type of physical activity to keep you looking fit and young.  Staying active can add years to your life, researchers say as much as a decade biologically.  

Exercise helps to alleviate stress and lowers your chances of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity and osteoporosis.

Know that the couch potato lifestyle increases your chances of aging too soon as well as contracted these aging related diseases and the increase of going to an early grave.  When you are not active you are welcoming the aging process.  Not me!  I will continue to fight father time until the end  :-)

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Look What Berries Can Do For You

I absolutely love berries!  I eat berries everyday, berries are the perfect snack.  Berries may not seem to be much of a snack to some, but these little juicy treats are full of filling fiber.  One cup of raspberries has 6 grams of fiber.  Also, try strawberries, 
cranberries, acai berries, blueberries…..any berries!  

Whatever you do, don’t confuse eating berries or any fruit with eating fruit jelly.  Jelly is the junk food of the fruit world.  
Jelly contains almost no fiber and full of added sugar.

So just stick with the berries!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

HIIT Training!

I'm so excited!  I just purchased my Gymboss Interval Timer.  Getting ready to change up my training program with some High Intensity Interval Training!  Stay tuned....Oh yeah, I bought mine in Pink!!

Wash Your Hands!

Did you know that the gym is one of the number one places for germs?  On too many occasions, I see people (women) and I'm sure men, change up in the locker room, use the bathroom and walk right out onto the gym floor without washing their hands!  It's totally disgusting!!  With all of the people and sweat is like a breeding ground for tons of viruses and bacteria.  Not only do I wash my hands before training, but immediately after I return to the locker room.
I've listed some great tips on how to protect yourself from nasty germs and getting sick from those that do not care enough or are clean enough to take a moment and wash before hitting the gym floor:
1. Wash your hands frequently or use Hand Sanitizer, also avoid touching your face until you can wash
2. Clean gym equipment before and after use
3. Keep your feet covered; do not walk around barefoot
4. Keep your gym bag clean, take out wet clothes and towels when you get home
5. Change out of your sweaty clothes and shower after each workout
6. Bring your own towel or mat
If you're sick...STAY HOME with your germs!  Practice each tip on a daily basis to avoid colds and flu.  It's okay if you miss a few days from the gym because you're's not the end of the world.
Live Fit Live Strong!!.........Stay Healthy!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Is Protein Powder Necessary?

Protein powder is not just for gym junkies! If you don't know, protein powder contains amino acids that help to burn fat and build muscle. There are several powders on the market, be sure to get a good one and not one that's full of junk.  You can find a good protein powder at health food stores such as Vitamin Shoppe or GNC.
I use PROBOLIC-SR, it's bio engineered with a precise combination of whey, soy and casein and patented 12-hour technology to create the ideal muscle-building protein.

Try making your smoothie with 1-2 scoops of protein powder, fruit, yogurt, low-fat milk or water.  Remember, adding protein to a milkshake will not make it healthy for you.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Simple Formula for Flat Abs!

If the vitamins and minerals in green vegetables don’t convince you to eat as many green vegetables as possible, maybe the fact that they burn fat from your waist like you wouldn’t believe will convince you.  Green vegetables have some amazing powers in burning fat and getting you the abs you so desire. 

Vegetables like broccoli and spinach are loaded with fiber, and few calories; green beans are also good for you.  Try this; before each meal, have a salad which will help you eat smaller portions and you’ll feel more satisfied afterwards.  Remember, iceberg lettuce has almost no fiber, eat spinach, romaine or arugula instead.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are You Ready to Compete in a Women's Figure Competition?

Have you ever thought of competing in a women's figure competition?  Well, after all of your hard work in the gym and getting so many compliments...maybe you should consider getting on stage to be rewarded publicly for your hard work.  I've competed in many shows and each time, I must say, it was such a thrill!  Of course there are many factors to take into consideration then just the compliments.  

You have to be at the top of your physique before stepping up to be judged against your fitness peers.  You have to set a goal, pick a show and get to it!  Train like you've never trained before..follow your diet to the letter.  Get with a trainer to show you the proper poses and how to walk impressively across the stage to show off your assets.

Not only are you being judged on your physique, but your beauty as well.  You want your hair and make-up to be flawless.  You need to be beautifully tanned and toned and wearing a two piece posing suit that fits.  Whatever you do, don't feel pressured to get on stage if you're not ready!  No matter what anyone tells you; if you feel that you're not tight enough or you still have a little too much jiggle under the glutes or around your mid-section to get rid of...don't do it!  I have to say, nothing is worst to see a competitor get on stage not ready to compete.  
Setting this type of goal isn't for everyone, however, I think it's a great goal to put on your list...if for nothing else, but motivation!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Does Everyone Deserve a Cheat Meal?

Well, that depends on how much you’ve stuck to your plan on eating healthy for that week.  If you’ve put in the time at the gym and have consistently followed your exercise program of at least 3 to 4 times per week, to the letter; then yes, you deserve a cheat meal.  Remember, it’s a cheat meal, not a cheat day!  Some people get this confused and tend to eat the wrong foods for an entire day, and continue to do so over and over again; every week and wonder why they aren’t accomplishing their fitness goals.  

Also, cheat meals are equal to one meal per week; don’t go on a total binge and lose sight of your true goal.  So, if you must cheat…..cheat, but cheat wisely!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hanging Leg Raise

Who doesn't want a flat, tight tummy!  The hanging leg raise is a great way to get the abs you want.   This move is tough, but doing it right can really tighten up your lower abs like no other exercise.  With this exercise, when you bring your legs toward your torso, whether hanging or lying down, you are relying more on your lower abdominal muscles.  Along with a sensible diet and cardio...your tight tummy is on the way.

Step 1: Grasp the overhead bar with palms forward, keep your legs together and just let your legs hang straight down.

Step 2:  Keeping your legs straight, raise your legs up directly in front of you until they are just slightly above being parallel to the floor.  Hold this position as long as possible, then slowly lower your legs back to the starting position and repeat.

When you get to the gym today, add this to your workout.  You'll be glad you did and the results over time will be amazing!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Results Without Exercise....In a bottle??

Yes there are many products on the market that claim to change your body composition and body fat percentage, but you still need to hit the gym for lasting results.  It is true that you can increase your muscle mass by not exercising and supplementing, but can you imagine if you add weight training and cardio to the mix?  The difference would blow your mind.  So, yes, take your supplements, but don't completely rely on them to do all of the work.

Get to the gym!!

Live Five Live Strong!!

Do You Want to Lose or Maintain Your Weight?

So you want to lose or maintain your weight, or even increase your lean muscle?  Well, do you have a plan on how to make this a reality?  First, start by identifying your goals by writing them down and reading them each day.  List them in the order of priority and how, or what your plan is to accomplish each goal. 

So as not to get discouraged, make sure they are realistic and of course healthy.  Also, remember to give yourself a realistic timeline. Remember, you didn't put on the weight in 30 days, so don't set a goal to lose the weight in 30 takes time, commitment and hard work.  You can do it!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Drink Plenty of Water

I'm sure you know that drinking water is good for you.  However, did you know that dehydrated people burn less fat than those who drink water during exercise?  So, if you want another reason to burn off the fat, drink plenty of water not only during exercise, but throughout the day....everyday!

Live Fit Live Strong.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Get Your Body Back After the Baby

Yes, you've been pregnant for the last nine months and now that your bundle of joy has arrived, it's time for you to get your body back!  I've been there and done it all....the long days that seem to never end, the peace of maybe having a quiet moment to sit back and relax while the baby is asleep, or the simple joy of being able to just take a shower.  There will be so many things to do and so many things that keep us from taking care of ourselves during the next 18 months or more.  However, you have to make a decision to do SOMETHING!  So, let's start off with 8 simple steps to move you in the right direction.  After your six weeks or more of healing you should be ready to go!

Go for a walk -
Start off with a simple walk around the block (pushing a stroller for 30 minutes burns up to 150 calories).

Breastfeeding burns 600-800 calories a day!

Watch Calories & Fat Intake-
Say no to fast food, cookies, chips and soda or any other empty calorie food, and stick to nutritious foods, like lean meats, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and low-fat diary foods.

Get Plenty of Rest (Take a Nap)
When the baby goes to need to go to sleep.  You can always wash the dishes in the sink or do the laundry later.

Lift Weights/Workout
If you can't get to the gym, there are many exercises you can do right at home through workout videos or even using your baby.  Hold the baby close to your chest and do walking lunges or do lunges while on your walk pushing the stroller.  We all like to lift our babies up toward the ceiling for fun while we lay on our backs...give it a try and make it work for you.

Spend Time With Other Mothers
It's always good to have someone to talk to and to spend time with; someone where you have something in common...a new baby!  Just having someone to talk to relieves stress, anxiety and frustration.

Eat Healthy
Make an effort to eat healthy everyday.  You will not get your body back if you don't eat the right foods and take care of yourself.  Eat healthy snacks...veggies, fruit, whole grain crackers, yogurt and nuts.  Leave the chips and soda alone.

Enjoy Your Baby
Most important of all....enjoy your baby!  Love them, kiss them, hug them like there is no tomorrow, because they grow up too fast!  Let your baby be your motivation to get in shape and be as healthy as you can be, because they need you!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Keep It Moving Painlessly After 40

Are you approaching the BIG 40, or are you in your 40's already and it seems that with every step or move your joints ache?  Well, you need to add Glucosamine Chondroitin to your daily ritual of health and fitness.     

Glucosamine Chondroitin is a product aimed at supporting the health of joints, delivering glucosamine and chondroitin in order to ease some of the pain associated with arthritis – as well as to improve flexibility and mobility.

While these claims have not necessarily been approved by the FDA, using glucosamine and chondroitin to treat joint issues is nothing new, and many herbalists and nutritionists – as well as patients – swear by their effectiveness.  Glucosamine itself is an amino sugar produced by the body that is essentially one of the foundations of connective tissue. Concerning the joints, glucosamine is a necessary part of the makeup of cartilage – but is also necessary concerning ligaments, skin, bone, and many other areas of the body where tissue is concerned.

In some countries, glucosamine is thought to be so effective that is regulated by the government and sold as a prescription drug for joints. The thing that users must be careful of is making sure that the glucosamine supplements they purchase have enough of the amino sugar in it to actually be effective. One of the keys to finding this out is to make sure that the facilities in which the glucosamine is manufactured are GMP-compliant.

When glucosamine is paired with chondroitin, it is thought that not only can some of the pain associated with arthritis go away, but that much of the breakdown of cartilage can be repaired and even reversed.

GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, offer a variety of joint-health products, containing glucosamine, chondroitin, and other popular ingredients – mixing them together in different formulas, or sold separately as individual supplements.  Give it a try your knees will thank you!

- may help with joint pain
- may help rebuild cartilage

- contains only two ingredients
- these ingredients typically require some dedication

- Glucosamine Hydrochloride
- Chondroitin Sulfate Sodium

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Get Your Booty in Model Shape Before the Summer

I see so many women wearing some really cute jeans and they look the jeans!  Until, I see them in the locker room without the jeans and everything is nothing but mush and jiggle.  It's amazing what a great pair of jean will do to hide the jiggle and fat that so many women are trying to hide.

Don't get me wrong, it's great having a nice..round..looking..firm booty in your jeans.  I know, it gets a lot of attention and your thinking..."okay, I know I look good".  However, don't you want to look good in and out of your jeans?  In other words, don't you want your body to look just as amazing naked than covered up with clothes?  Come on, summer is almost here, so don't wait until a month before you need to throw on the bathing suit to start getting not just your booty in the most amazing shape, but your entire physique needs to be Grade A!

Let's start with the booty, since this is the premise of my post today.  First start off with the following exercises to get firm and tone:

1.  Squats
2.  Lunges
3.  Stiff Legged Dead lifts

Choose a weight that's not too light, but challenges you through-out each set; do 3-Sets of 12-15 Reps.

Now, we need get rid of the body-fat in this area as well, by eating a healthy diet.  You want to start eating carbs that are from vegetables, fruits and whole grain breads and pasta.  You should also be eating plenty of protein from lean meats, like chicken, turkey and fish.  Also, no processed foods and foods that contain saturated and  trans fats.  Doing cardio will also help to burn off any excess body-fat; you need to do at least 30 minutes to get your heart rate up to burn fat.  Try brisk walking on the treadmill, the elliptical, riding the bike or the stair master, whichever you are most comfortable.

If you do the above, I guarantee you will really be able to show off a great looking booty by summer!

Live Fit Live Strong!!