Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What Not to Eat if You Want to be Healthy & Fit

If you want to start on your journey to a healthy and fit lifestyle, you have to start with eating right.  There are several foods that you MUST remove from your diet.  Each of the foods below, contain no nutritional value whatsoever and will in turn only make you fat, tired and out of shape.  Go through your kitchen cabinets and pantry and remove all of the following foods for a fresh healthy start.  Remove all of the foods listed below that contain the following ingredients.

Let's start with getting rid of all of the following:

Hydrogenated Oils
Maple Sy
Corn Syrup
Raw Sugar
Brown Sugar
White Flour
White Rice
White Sugar

Also, don't forget these have to go too!

Baked Goods (cake, muffins, etc.)
Conventional white and wheat breads
Fried Foods
Frozen Meals (Processed Foods)
Ice Cream

Last, but not least!

Hard Alcohol

I know this is going to be quite hard, but you CAN DO!  I know you can; just imagine how great you're going look and feel.  It takes 30 days to form a habit, if you can commit to hang in there for no less than 30 days, I guarantee you will see a change and at that point, there will be no looking back.  Now, I know you're probably saying, "I can't treat myself ever again?".  No, that's not what I'm saying.  There will be days when you should allow yourself a cheat meal...not an entire cheat day.  However, first you need to get to a point where you CAN cheat without having a total meltdown.   I will post on tomorrow, all of the amazing healthy foods that you should have in your kitchen and on your grocery list.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

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