Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Burn Over 30,000 Calories by Just Walking

Did you know that a daily brisk walk of at least 30 minutes or more can burn up to 1500 calories every week?  Let's do the math...

If you walk briskly everyday for at least 30 minutes and burn 215 calories each session; that's 1,505 in one week!  Do this for at least 6 months and you'll have burn off 36,120 calories.  Set your goal to burn off 39,000 calories, because 39,000+/- calories = 11 pounds of fat, give or take a few.

So, no excuses!  Get out there and get your walk'll start seeing results before you know it.

Live Fit Live Strong!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Bone Broth Helps with Wrinkles, Stretch Marks, and Cellulite

Bone broth contains collagen to make your skin supple and radiant. This delicious, mineral-rich broth can be used to make soup to support smooth, strong skin and reduce cellulite.
Drinking bone broth makes skin supple. Cellulite does not arise from carrying excess fat. Haven’t you ever seen a thin person with cellulite? It is common. Most people are taught to choose skinless and boneless meat and to fear animal fats. This is why even those who are slender will not be able to shake cellulite until they change their diet. (5)
  • Cellulite comes from a lack of connective tissue.
  • The smoothness of skin is from an abundance of connective tissue.
  • Collagen-rich bone broth will supply your skin with the tools that it needs to support itself.
  • Adding chicken feet, animal joints, and knuckles to a bone broth will increase the amount of collagen available.
Be on the look out for the "Bone Broth" recipe!

Live Fit Live Strong!