Thursday, August 30, 2012

Busy Traveler? You Can Fit Exercise into your Trips.

Hopping in and out of planes is exercise enough, you say.  But that’s not the kind of exercise that will condition your heart, make your reflexes and joints more fluid, keep your sugar levels in check or stop mood swings.
Nor is it the kind of exercise that will make you euphoric after a good cardiovascular session.  You need to counteract the effects of jet lag, artificial air in pressurized aircraft cabins and sky fatigue. 

“Sometimes your travels help you recognize how humdrum your workout routine has become.  At home, it’s easy to fall into a rut – to use the same weight machines in the same order, week after week, month after month, simply out of habit.  But a trip may take the routine out of your routine.  You may have no choice but to try new strength exercises or jog in the pool instead of swim laps.  And you might find these new pursuits so enjoyable that you add them to your fitness repertoire at home.

However, some nice hotels have spa facilities that you can enjoy while on a business trip or even vacation.  Don’t let your going on vacation spoil your routine of keeping fit and in shape.  Reward yourself with a facial or a massage after a session on the treadmill or 10 laps in the pool.  This is a great way to unwind for the evening, and can be an added bonus for the individual on the go for business or just taking a much needed vacation.

 Don’t let some of these common obstacles stop you from working out while away from home.  Such as, being too stressed out or tired; you don’t feel comfortable about working out in unfamiliar surroundings or that you may not have access to a hotel gym.  Always, make the effort to change this sort of thinking; if you did, you’d be on the road to fitness sooner.

Live Fit Live Strong!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Is Cardio A Waste of Time?

I have been away from blogging for a few weeks with traveling and am now finally just getting back into the groove of things.  I've been in New Orleans on business and totally was thrown out of my routine, especially with my diet.  I actually put on 5 pounds!  Well now, its back to the grind!  I focused on something that would keep me motivated and I stuck to it.  At times you have to focus on something to keep yourself motivated not only physically, but visually and mentally as well.  My motivation was watching the Olympics, specifically the women's track and field USA team.  Need I say more?  These women are amazing!

So, for the last week I've been hitting the Step Mill everyday for about 20 minutes a day, really seeing very little results.  I'm not saying that this doesn't work for everyone, but I'm shooting a fitness video next weekend and I needed to get back to my leaner physique ASAP!  I started re-thinking this thing...Val, go back to what you know works and what you know works faster...HIIT training.  Yes, High Intensity Interval Training is definitely the way to go to burn more fat, calories and get lean real quick.  Once I switched up and resumed my clean eating, which included drinking my Body by VI Shake with fresh fruit ( in the morning and eating 4 balanced meals throughout the rest of the day, I was back on track and down 3 1/2 pounds in 4 days!

This is what I'm saying, if your constantly running on the treadmill, or working it out on the elliptical or step mill, and seeing very minimal results; change it up and take on the challenge of HIIT training.  It works!

Live Fit Live Strong!