Monday, April 30, 2012

Stress Relief Is Available - Learn To Deal With It Effectively

S-t-r-e-s-s, it is everywhere and unless you learn to deal effectively with it and find ways to get some stress relief, it can cause some serious health problems.  About a year ago, I had so much stress in my life; I literally made myself physically sick, to the point where I thought I was having a heart attack.  That’s when I woke up and said NO MORE!  I had to sit down and reevaluate my life completely.  Now, there are certain things I refused to deal with no matter what.  If I don’t want to do it…I don’t.  If I have something to say…I say it, unfortunately, for some, at times my words may be hurtful, but I sure feel good about not holding it in anything that may cause me to stress out.  I’ve learned that life is too short!  I have my son and family to think about and I want to be around for a very long time.  I used to never take lunch; I’d just work, work and work!  Now, watch out!  I go to lunch everyday, I don’t care what has been done or not been done.  It’ll be there when I get back.  I workout every day and I don’t let anything get in my way.  You know why?  It makes me feel good about myself and my life.

Here are some of the most common effects of prolonged exposure to stressful situations and the effect it has on your body, mood, and behavior: 

1. Headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of interest in sex, and changes in your sleep pattern and bowel habits.

2. Increased anxiousness, lack of motivation, depression and restlessness.

3. Overeating or not eating enough, using alcohol or drugs, withdrawing from social situations, or lashing out in anger can become behavioral problems.

If you notice that you are experiencing any of these symptoms you should go speak to your doctor and have a physical to make sure that you do not have any underlying problems caused by the stressful situations in your life like increased blood pressure.  This happened to me; high blood pressure.  My doctor couldn’t believe it!  She said how on earth can someone as healthy as you end up with high blood pressure?  It was from stress.  She sat me down and said to me, “you need to get it together”.  I’m telling you, this was a major wake up call for me.  I knew that I did not want to live on high blood pressure medication for the rest of my life.  I slowly begin to wean myself off of the medication with my doctor’s help and I’ve never looked back.  I have been totally medication free for over a year and I feel amazing!

Have your doctor give you the once over and then ask them how to decrease the stressful situations in your life.  You could just need to take a walk everyday after dinner to alleviate some anxiety. Of course nothing beats exercise for stress relief and to know you are doing something good for yourself is a plus as well.  It does not even have to be intense exercise. A walk around the neighborhood will do just fine.

If you have the time you could also try a yoga class. Yoga is extremely effective for relieving tension and helping you remain centered and calm.  Yoga forces you to slow down and relax.

No one has to be a victim of the stressful situations life throws at us everyday. All you have to do is find ways to deal with what works for you.   

When was the last time you anything? If you cannot remember when you last had a good belly laugh then maybe you need to go rent a good comedy on your way home tonight, get comfortable on the couch and just get in a few good laughs.  I’m telling you, it will do your body, mind and spirit good.

Everyone has heard that laughter is the best medicine, right? Well, it is also one of the best stress relief activities you can do for yourself, and it's free for everyone to do. If the movie doesn't do it for you then get together with some old friends and reminisce about old times. Just laugh!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Exercise for Stress Improves Your Health

There are many people today who are overstressed and on the lookout for ways to rid themselves of some of their daily stresses. There are many ways you can get some relief from your stress. Exercise for stress relief is probably one of the best since not only can you relieve your stress levels you can also improve other aspects of your health and fitness. 

We all know that too much stress can cause myriad health issues. Things like heart disease and diabetes are just the tip of the iceberg. We also know that exercise can help prevent many of these same diseases. 

So just imagine how much healthier you can be if you exercise and lose weight and stress at the same time! It's a two for one. 

Exercise for stress relief can come in many forms. It is all about getting your body moving and the endorphins flowing. For the most part, it is really just a matter of finding something that you enjoy doing. 

There really is not a right or wrong answer when you are trying to decide what type of exercise to do.

Most of us have heard of the so called "runners high". This occurs when the body releases endorphins, the body's "feel good" hormone, during exercise. But, you don't have to be a runner to get this level of stress relief. You can do virtually any type of exercise you want as long as you don't hurt yourself in the process. 

And that brings me to another point; if you have been sedentary for a while, have some health issues or are overweight you need to talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program. 

While it is true that exercise can help you improve your health, you may have to make modifications when you are just starting out or if you have other health issues. If you do not modify the exercises, you may make your situation worse, not better, by injuring yourself when you start exercising. 

Another thing to keep in mind when you are trying to figure out what type of exercise you should do are your own preferences. Recently I have been hearing a lot about a workout called Zumba. My sister swears by it and has lost several pounds and she loves it. 

I was skeptical but I tried a class and I have to admit I'm hooked now, too. Not only do you get a great workout it really is fun. "Fun" is not usually the word people associate with working out. 

Other people love to do yoga. This form of exercise can help you stay limber and flexible but it will also help you relieve stress because it is relaxing, and has a flowing nature. You will also learn proper breathing techniques. 

And sometimes just hitting something can allow you to blow off steam. If that sounds like something you would like you may want to consider a boxing, kickboxing or martial arts class. 

As you can see by this short article, there is no shortage of exercise options for you. If you want to go to the gym and hop on a treadmill and lift some weights then that is what you should do. 

There are so many other great options to exercise for stress relief. The important thing is to find the one that you enjoy enough to stick with it.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Botox! The Go To Drug For The Rich And Famous

When it comes to non invasive cosmetic procedures, botox is the go to drug. Millions of people utilize botox to firm up their face and remove the various creases and wrinkles that come about from old age. Stars and Botox also tend to go hand in hand as celebrities seem to make the most use out of any procedure that can keep them looking their best.  Kim Kardashian has openly admitted to using botox!

But what happens when the celebs take it just a little too far? For those who do not know what exactly botox is, it stands for Botulinum toxin. It is a paralyzing agent that can be injected into certain muscle groups to allow them to relax. It is a safe procedure undergone by millions of people world wide. But it is not without it's drawbacks.

Botox has been linked with several side effects such as droopy eyes, swelling, difficulty swallowing and breathing and other side effects. But there is more to it then just that. When a botox injection goes wrong, it can leave long lasting effects. For example, some celebs have reported difficulty in attaining certain expressions, such as a simple smile due to their routine use of botox.

When these Stars and Botox treatments do not mesh well, incidents like the above can happen. Sometimes these side effects are only temporary and they will recover. However other times they can be permanent, robbing them of the ability to ever use those expressions again.

Not all drawbacks are so doom and gloom, though. Routine uses of botox may not harm you or deprive you of expressions, but they also may not allow you to look your best either. Some celebs simply do not seem to look themselves through their rigorous use of botox. A prime example of this is the famous Rambo or Rocky, the good old Sylvester Stallone.

While Mr. Stallone certainly looks good for his age, there is also something off about him due to his constant usage of botox. This problem plagues numerous celebrities who rely too heavily on this 'miracle drug'. While looking young and attractive is important in that line of work, there are limits to just how far you should go with it.

When botox goes awry and leaves you with either a detrimental effect or simply not looking your best, it can be disheartening to say the least. You go in expecting to look young again and come out looking like your face has been frozen, or worse. It can be a scary thought once you stop and actually think about it.

However, like with the Stars and Botox, it is all about moderation. Botox has been proven to be quite safe and severe side effects are exceptionally rare. So if you are looking to get rid of those wrinkles and crows feet, this is a great way to do it. Just do not become addicted to your botox injections otherwise you may end up like some of those frozen-faced stars you see on the red carpet, and that is not an appealing thought.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pole Fitness??

Yes!  Who ever thought that dancing on a pole would be considered a fitness sport?  In year's past dancing on a pole was major taboo and only considered to be performed in strip clubs!  However, I have discovered from watching these women working that pole takes quite a lot of strength, agility and power.  I have yet to give it a try, but I'm definitely on the outlook for a class to see if I too can master this amazing skill.  Yes, I said amazing skill, because until you have taken on this challenge, don't judge those who have or may want to give it a try.

These classes are lots of fun, where you can get together with the "girls", and truly have a "girls night out".  No inhibitions and no hang ups about; "what will people think?"  Just plain fun and letting yourself loose.  Can you imagine mastering this skill just for the fun and fitness of it and sharing it with your spouse?  I can assure you would be taking your relationship to another level...if you know what I mean.  You would be surprised at how many women and couples have poles installed right in their own home.  To sum it all up, don't knock it until you've tried it; I plan too!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Leave These Morning Gut Busters Alone!

10 Despicable Doughnuts // Boston cream doughnut © Thomas MacDonald/Mitch Mandel 
Believe it or not, a cruller or Long John may be a better choice for an occasional breakfast indulgence than one of their circular cousins, the bagel. Doughnuts tend to pack fewer calories and fat than bagels simply because they’re smaller and less dense. But of course, this isn’t always the case. Some rings are nothing more than a fried vehicle to carry chocolate, sprinkles, cream, and calorie-laden nuts. (Clean up your eating habits with this guide to inner and outer beauty.)

To make sure this treat doesn’t deliver permanent damage to your gut, we dug around and found some of the worst rings around. Read on to discover more about these disgusting doughnuts. 

Dunkin’ Donuts Blueberry Crumb Donut
500 calories, 18 g fat, 350 mg sodium, 52 g sugar

The addition of blueberries may sound wholesome, but don’t be fooled. This sickeningly sweet treat packs 500 calories and 52 grams of sugar—or the equivalent of 20 Hershey’s Kisses.

Caribou Coffee Apple Fritter
500 calories, 16 g fat, 660 mg sodium, 24 g sugar

While the calorie count of this fried piece of dough is enough to make your eyes pop, it’s the sodium count that’s really shocking. If you have one of these apple fritters for breakfast, you’re already at 44% of your recommended daily sodium intake before the day’s even half over.

Starbucks Old Fashioned Glazed Doughnut

420 calories, 21 g fat, 260 g sodium, 34 g sugar

Want some sugar with your coffee? One of these doughnuts contains as many calories and as much sugar as fourteen Starburst squares.

Little Debbie Mini Frosted Donuts

240 calories, 14 g fat, 170 mg sodium, 15 g sugar (4)

Little Debbie’s mini donuts aren’t the worst of the lot—but that’s only if you keep their serving size in check. They’re practically bite-size, so it’s easy to pop twice as many in your mouth as you should.

Krispy Kreme Vanilla Iced Crème Filled Doughnut

360 calories, 19 g fat, 160 mg sodium, 22 g sugar

Oozing with a crème filled center, this indulgence is loaded with 360 calories and 19 grams of fat. If you are craving for a ring, stick to one of the restaurant’s fresh-off-the-presses glazed doughnuts (200 calories, 12 g fat, 95 mg sodium, 10 g sugar). 

As I've always told you....sugar is the devil! Stay away from it, because it will only bring you down and destroy you.  The devil makes everything look really good, until you partake of the forbidden fruit and only then are your eyes wide open and you feel like crap.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Part 3: How Do I get Started Exercising?

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed about the amount of time your friends and colleagues seem to spend in the gym?  Are you turned off by the idea of a tennis game that entails not only the hour-long match but also getting to the tennis club, changing into a tennis outfit and then showering afterwards? 

You think, “That’s almost 3 hours; three hours that I could have devoted to nurturing my clients and expanding my sales territory.”  Well, the bad news is being penny wised and pound foolish, which does not work in any circumstance; especially where fitness and your health are concerned.

Ask yourself; are those three hours worth skipping during a given week when you know that years of optimum health can be yours if you had a positive attitude and a reasonable dose of discipline?

Here is A Simple Exercise Program for Everyone!

Instead of ignoring exercise altogether, here’s a suggestion for integrating it into your busy schedule.  Think of exercise like you think of a major task in the office; break it up into small components.

Instead of spending two hours in the gym or on the tennis court like some of your friends, ask your trainer to divide your workout program.  You may want to also incorporate some kettle bell training into your program to really shake things up a bit!

Suggestion A                       

30 minutes four times a week; for example; 20 minutes of cardio, 10 minutes intense weight training (1-muscle group; for example legs)

Suggestion B

30 minutes three times a week
Monday: 20 minutes cardio + 10 minutes stretching
Tuesday: 20 minutes weights (2-muscle group; for example back & abs + 10 minutes of cardio
Wednesday: 20 minutes of cardio + 10 minutes of intense weights (2-muscle groups; for example triceps & chest or biceps and shoulders)

Suggestion C

20 minutes five days a week
Week 1: All cardio
Week 2: Weights
Week 3: Cardio on Mon/Wed/Fri
Week 4: Weights Tues/Thurs
Repeat the entire cycle when you get to month 2

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Healthy Eating Facts - Trans Fat And Soda Wake Up Tips!

Regardless of the type of diet you may be on, or what your current lifestyle is, there are definitely some healthy eating facts that always stay the same. Saturated fat, for example, is not healthy for you, and it doesn't matter how active or sedentary you are, nor does it matter how much you weight or how many calories you eat per day. Facts are facts. Man-made trans fats are always unhealthy. Another fact is that restricting your calories too severely can take its toll on your body.

One thing that people didn't need to concern themselves with several years ago was trans fats; to be more specific, man-made trans fats, as there are some naturally occurring trans fats which aren't a major health issue. The good news is that trans fats are easy to spot on food labels, but only when you know how. The most recent labeling guidelines say that food manufacturers have to show how much trans fats are in each serving of their food. However, if it's under a certain amount, they are allowed to show it as 0 grams of trans fat, even if there is some of it in the food. While this is playing dirty with your health, there is a way you can know for sure. Simply read the full list of ingredients. If you see the word 'hydrogenated', then it contains man-made trans fats and you should leave it on the shelf.

Researchers first brought hydrogenated fats and oils to the market in 1911. At the time they solved a big problem: spoilage. Refrigeration was still fairly new, and a lot of homes had no way of keeping their food cool. This meant that most foods that contained fats would turn rancid on the shelf. Trans fats changed that. All of a sudden, people could have margarine, shortening, instant cocoa and various mixes at home.

Refrigeration is no longer a problem, but trans fats are. That's because researchers have found a link between hydrogenated fats and various diseases. This is most likely due to the fact that hydrogenation changes the molecular properties of otherwise natural fats. Even the government is starting to change the way it looks at trans fats.

Healthy eating facts don't end with trans fats, though. Another thing to avoid is carbonated soft drinks. If they are sweetened with sugar, then they can have up to 3 tablespoons of sugar in a 12 ounce can! And it's all empty calories. Even those soft drinks that have added nutrients aren't that great for you, because you are still getting way too many simple carbohydrates.

Most such beverages also contain artificial flavors, caffeine, artificial colors and other things that aren't any good for you. But what about sodas that use artificial sweeteners? They aren't good for you either. The jury is still out on various sweeteners, but so far it looks they are not worth the risk. Even if they aren't that bad for you, there are enough other bad things in carbonated beverages to make steering clear of them another one of the healthy eating facts you can rely on.

As always,
Live Fit Live Strong!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Your Grocery List for Healthy Eating

Okay, so as promised listed below is your grocery list for eating healthy.  You can go online to find some really great recipes to make some delicious meals with the foods I’ve listed below. 

Dairy Products

Cottage Cheese
Egg Substitutes
Egg Whites
Yogurt (nonfat plain Greek)

Lean Meats (Poultry & Beef)

Beef (extra-lean ground)
Chicken (lean ground breast)
Chicken Breast
Duck Breast
Turkey (breast, not deli)
Turkey (deli, low sodium)
Turkey (lean ground)
Roast Beef (low sodium deli)
Steak (cube)
Steak (flank, round)


Salmon (canned in water)
Salmon (fillet)
Shellfish (clams, crab, lobster, mussels, scallops, shrimp)
Tuna (canned in water)
Tuna (fillet)
White-fleshed fish

And of course as many vegetables and fruits as possible.  I would stay away from bananas, the longer you have them the more they turn into sugar.

Take this list with you to the store, post on your refrigerator, do whatever you have to do to remind yourself of the foods that you should and should not be eating.  I promise, if you stick to this plan and allow yourself to form a habit of eating right all of the time,  you are going to be amazed at how awesome you look and feel in a very short period of time.  You can do this!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What Not to Eat if You Want to be Healthy & Fit

If you want to start on your journey to a healthy and fit lifestyle, you have to start with eating right.  There are several foods that you MUST remove from your diet.  Each of the foods below, contain no nutritional value whatsoever and will in turn only make you fat, tired and out of shape.  Go through your kitchen cabinets and pantry and remove all of the following foods for a fresh healthy start.  Remove all of the foods listed below that contain the following ingredients.

Let's start with getting rid of all of the following:

Hydrogenated Oils
Maple Sy
Corn Syrup
Raw Sugar
Brown Sugar
White Flour
White Rice
White Sugar

Also, don't forget these have to go too!

Baked Goods (cake, muffins, etc.)
Conventional white and wheat breads
Fried Foods
Frozen Meals (Processed Foods)
Ice Cream

Last, but not least!

Hard Alcohol

I know this is going to be quite hard, but you CAN DO!  I know you can; just imagine how great you're going look and feel.  It takes 30 days to form a habit, if you can commit to hang in there for no less than 30 days, I guarantee you will see a change and at that point, there will be no looking back.  Now, I know you're probably saying, "I can't treat myself ever again?".  No, that's not what I'm saying.  There will be days when you should allow yourself a cheat meal...not an entire cheat day.  However, first you need to get to a point where you CAN cheat without having a total meltdown.   I will post on tomorrow, all of the amazing healthy foods that you should have in your kitchen and on your grocery list.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Yes! My Health Matters: 50 Healthy Snacks

Yes! My Health Matters: 50 Healthy Snacks: Snacks can be a dieter's best friend, if you choose the right ones. The list below offers 50 between-meal bites that will help you stay slim...

Part 2: The Benefits of Exercise

If you make exercise part of your day, you’ll already experience some noticeable benefits.  These include:

1. Waking up in the morning feeling refreshed
2. Having energy left at the end of the day
3. Feeling more optimistic about recreation
4. Sleeping more soundly at night

The benefits above are general.  Let’s examine the more specific benefits of exercise on specific parts of the body:

 Exercise prevents heart disease

The average ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) is about 4.5.  If this ratio doubles or reaches 7, you double your chances of developing coronary heart disease.  You reduce that risk by as much as 50% if your ratio is 3 or lower.

The lowdown on cholesterol:  not all cholesterol is bad.  You have the good one (HDL-1 and HDL-2), the not so bad one (VLDL) and the harmful one (LDL).  To get your ratios, divide the total amount of your cholesterol by your amount of HDL.  The lower the ratio you have, the better.
Exercise prevents osteoporosis

28 million Americans have osteoporosis. 80% are women.  Only ¼ of this 80% know they have the condition and only half are being treated.  The annual osteoporosis bill to the United States is $14 billion.

Studies have shown that sufficient amounts of calcium and regular exercise build strong bones.  While genetics play a major role in developing the risks of osteoporosis, individuals can control some factors that will help prevent the problem. 

Peak bone mass is attained in your 20’s.  Starting an exercise program while still young, even if you live in the fast lane, will help you avoid bone disease.

Exercise prevents diabetes

People are still debating how much exercise an individual needs, but for people with type-2 diabetes, exercising three or more times a week improves fitness and blood sugar levels.  If you have type-2  diabetes and are overweight, exercise done with the following parameters would be of tremendous benefit: intensity of 60%-70% maximal heart rate, with duration of 30 or more minutes, 4-7 days each week.

There have been hundreds of documented reports that reveal how people’s lives have significantly improved and the remarkable transformation that their bodies experience after they made the decision to take ownership of their weight and fat problems.  

If this isn't a wake up call for you, it should be!  Why wouldn't you want to live a long healthy life?  There is no way that I would risk living with any of these diseases if all I had to do was get up off of the couch and make time to exercise.  Work is going to always be there; if something happens to you tomorrow, trust me....they will have someone else to take your place without skipping a beat.

Your probably asking yourself, "How do I get started?"  Well, stay, I'll explain how and a very simple way for you to get started.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Guess What?

Words to live by.......Happy Easter!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Part 1: How to Fit Exercise Into a Busy Schedule

Fit exercise into your busy schedule?  Thats as absurd as saying that there are eight days in a week.  Im sure that this is what most of you are thinking.  I would hate to think that the most exercise you get is toting around a briefcase everyday for exercise.  No matter how sharp, elegant or sleek the briefcase may be, it's not providing you the exercise you need to live a long and healthy life. 

First, you're probably saying to yourself, "I've never exercised before or regularly played a sport".  Second, youve never been into the fitness crowd and third, youre far too busy to even think about exercise. 

In other words, you're just not into it.  However, your friends talk about it and rave about the latest fitness craze, but youve seen it all too often, some of them are on the on-again-off-again treadmill, stair master, elliptical mania, and you wonder why they havent shed the fat that theyre desperately still trying to hide under their clothes.

After seeing what your friends go through and not seeing any results, you cling to the notion that your total lack of interest in exercising is justified.  Youre not the least bit inclined to engage in these circus-like contortions or do those mindless freestyle strokes in the water.  That would only encroach into your already busy schedule of juggling family, home and career.  With these three combined husband/children/work; you tell yourself that they are your exercise.

Well before tackling the idea of fitting exercise into your busy schedule, it might be better if we start with the concept of self-assessment and then familiarize ourselves with the disease-prevention aspect of exercise. 

Once youve accepted the fact that exercise is good for your health, then you can consider the many ways you can include it into your life.

Lifespan and Physical Appearance

The average life span is 80 years, give or take a few years.  The truth is, a significant number of people look and feel 80 before their time. They have: 

Sagging dry skin
Unsightly posture
Uneven and unsteady walk
Aching joints

If their outward appearance is bad, imagine what the inside machinery is like.  Most likely, its even worse: 

Clogged blood vessels
Heart problems
Mounds of sugar and fat parked in or around vital organs
Conditions such as diabetes, nervous tension, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease that are silently brewing

If fitness authorities had it their way, theyd create legislation to make exercise mandatory as soon as a baby leaves the cradle, not during the teenage years when obesity is likely to strike.  But fitness shouldn't be associated with any age.  You can start at 10 or at 30 even at 50 or 60. Fitness should not be seen as the cure for an illness you already have, but as preventative maintenance. 

Now lets first start off my assessing your fitness level:

Brad King and Dr. Michael Schmidt in Bio Age, Ten Steps to a Younger You have devised a questionnaire for assessing physical damage to a body as a result of no exercise.  We will borrow some of their guidelines:

Start with the question, How do I look? Do any of these answers apply to you? 

Am I overweight? Do I look like an apple or pear?
Do I have a spare tire?
Has my skin become excessively dry, almost paper-thin?

Next, ask yourself: How do I feel?

Do my joints hurt before or after any physical exertion?  Or, when I awake in the morning?
Am I constantly worried and anxious?
Do I feel tired and sluggish most of the time?
Do I suffer from mood swings?

Last question, How am I doing?

Is walking and climbing stairs difficult?
Do I have problems concentrating?
Is running impossible for me now?
Am I unable to sit straight, preferring to slouch or stoop my shoulders?

Now that youve completed your basic assessment, you must be honest.  You would only be fooling yourself and thats not going to do you any good or get you the level of fitness that will prolong your life.  Check back in later and Ill explain the Benefits of Exercise, and the many diseases that can be prevented.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Age Gracefully Without The Fountain Of Youth

The search for the fountain of youth has been a quest for many years. Consumers pay millions of dollars every year in hopes of finding the magic solution or remedy to aging. Some people resort to surgery to remain having a youthful appearance. Instead of spending money on the painful and expensive surgery, you can age gracefully with some attention to the needs of your body so you can age naturally and beautifully.

Start using sunblock with SPF everyday to prevent sun damage and skin peeling.  Use formulated sunblock for your face that allows you to apply makeup over the lotion. 

Moisturize your skin on daily. The benefits of moisturizers help to hydrate the skin, replenish the skin cells, reduce wrinkles, and create softer skin. There are quality moisturizers on the market that work effectively without the high price associated with many moisturizers. 

Exercise regularly to improve your health. Base your exercise regimen on your health conditions as you may have limitations. Use stretching exercises if you have difficulties with other forms of exercise. Use yoga and Pilates to increase your joint pliability.

Add meditation, yoga, or another stress relieving exercise to your life. When you learn to relax and reduce the stress in your life, you remove the risks of heart disease and stroke. This increases your chances of living longer. 

Add walking to your exercise program. Walk for thirty minutes four times a week. Buy walking shoes for proper support of your feet and back to lessen the risks of damages and possible injuries.  

Eat a balance low fat low calorie diet filled with nutrients and antioxidants to help your body keep the youthful skin and buoyancy. Eat foods that contain acai and dark green leafy vegetables that aid the body’s natural ability to age gracefully while they help to build your immunity.

Limit your intake of fats and sugars with your foods and beverages. Drink water to keep your body hydrated. Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day is the medical recommendation for optimal water intake. Reduce your consumption of coffee with added creams and sugar, sodas, teas with the sugars, and other drinks high in sugar contents.

Add a multi-vitamin and supplement to your daily regimen. As you age, your body needs different levels of essential vitamins and minerals. The age appropriate vitamins and supplements will help you have the right amounts daily so you can age gracefully with your healthy body and immune system.

Visit your physician for a regular checkup. Have your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugars checked. You doctor will have blood work done to monitor the level of your health and to help prevent any possible medical conditions. Discuss with your doctor any health issues you may be experiencing so they can be treated.

Live Fit Live Strong!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Can You Now Have Carbohydrates On The Atkins Or South Beach Diet?

Low carbohydrate diets, like the South Beach Diet or the Atkins Weight Loss Plan, are not always that easy to stick to. The problem a lot of people have is how few carbohydrates they can have. They may be able to follow a low-carb diet for a few days, but then the cravings become more than they can handle. One possible solution people have been turning to is anti carb pills. Just so you know, these are not prescribed by a doctor, but are supplements that contain all-natural ingredients.

While the South Beach and Atkins diets don't get as much media attention as they once did, they are still popular diets. But why would people go on such diets if they're only going to end up having major food cravings? The reason is that the diets work quite well, but only when you stick to them. However, carb pills claim to solve that problem in a unique way.

It should be noted that newer low-carb diets allow people to have more complex carbs--whole grains for example. Still, it can be quote tempting to have a piece of cake every now and then. The idea behind the carb pill is that you can eat some of the carbohydrates you crave, and then the ingredients in the pill will prevent your body from absorbing the carbs in those foods. One such ingredient is white bean extract, which is 100% natural, and appears to be safe.

You should, ideally, take carb pills just prior to eating anything that has more carbohydrates than your diet plan allows. If you forget to take it before eating, you can still wait until after your meal, but it won't be quite as effective.

Here is a basic overview of how carb blocking pills work. Fat builds up in your body after carbohydrates are broken up by the pancreatic enzyme known as alpha amylase. These carbs can be burned through expending energy, but if you take in more than you can get rid of, then the extra gets stored as fat. Carb pills keep this from happening by preventing the digestive enzymes from going to work on the carbs. This allows them to pass through the body without getting absorbed; in theory, anyway.

So, the question is whether or not carb pills really work. The practical answer is "it depends". The medical and scientific communities have not done a lot of research on these pills, and therefore have not embraced them as a weight loss option. However, the companies that make these pills have conducted studies of their own. Their research has shown that as much as 45 grams of carbohydrates may not be absorbed by the body when carb pills are taken.

However, what these studies fail to test is how this carb blocking affects low carbohydrate diets like South Beach and Atkins. So, while they may help keep your body from storing extra carbohydrates as fat, there aren't any conclusive results in relation to specific diet plans.  If you're wondering if there are any side effects from taking carb blocker pills or capsules? There are many documented complaints that some people suffer from various minor side effects and discomforts such as stomach bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea after consuming the carb pills as part of their weight loss program.  However, carb pill manufactures consistently claim that these symptoms are actually manifestations that carb pills are working well.  That being said, carb pills could still be worth trying.

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