Thursday, February 23, 2012

How to Battle the Bulge

Want to know a sure fire way to help battle the bulge?  You need to eat foods that are slow to digest, because slower digestion means that your body has to work harder, which means your body burns more calories in order to process your meal.  When it comes to a resistant starch, a unique fiber that resists digestion…that’s right, you guessed it...Cannellini Beans!  These legumes lead the pack!  This is what Janine Higgins, PhD. explains, lead author of a University of Colorado study on weight loss.

The Cannellini bean is a kidney bean and requires special preparation to remove compounds that can cause, let’s see, how can I say it nicely…yes, gastric distress; we all know what that means….right?  You must boil the beans for at least 10 minutes, even longer to remove the toxins.  You must boil these beans, after you have soaked them overnight and cook on a slow simmer for 1-2 hours or until tender.  Cannellini beans are found in many popular Italian cuisines.  It is a staple of minestrone, fagioli’s and salads.

You can battle the bulge with eating a ½ cup daily!

Live Fit Live Strong!!

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