Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pretty Girls Do Have Muscles!

I've heard it too many times!  From listening to women in the gym and out of the gym, even some of my clients are guilty of this.  "I don't want to lift weights and gain muscle.  I don't want to look like a man."  Really, are you serious?  Guess what?  That's not going to happen; not in a million years.

Many people, especially women, are very leery about an exercise regimen that can lead to muscle building.  There is a perception that muscle building leads to muscle bulking, and before long, they'll look like a body builder.

 Provided that women aren’t supplementing their workouts with specific muscle-building supplements (illegal supplements), there is no need to be concerned, because building lean muscle won’t make them bulk up.

But why worry about building muscle in the first place?

Did you know that a pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat?  So the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn. You don’t even have to do anything. You’ll simply burn more calories, because muscle requires more of an energy investment.

But if you build muscle and then leave it without exercise, over time, the muscle fibers weaken and you’ll lose that wonderful calorie-burning factory.  You'll also lose that fabulous physique that you have as well.  So ladies, don't worry about bulking up too much.  Just get in the gym and put some muscle on your body.  Trust me you'll love the results!

Live Fit Live Strong!

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