Sunday, February 19, 2012

Do You Want to Lose Weight or Body Fat?

Do you want to lose weight or body fat?  Do you know the difference?  I think what you really want to achieve is a lean, healthy, defined, amazing body!  Am I right?  I mean who doesn't want to feel attractive, sexy and confident?  

Well, let me tell you what you need to do and what you should not be doing to accomplish this very attainable goal.  If you are only focused on losing weight, you will not accomplish your fitness goal of getting the body as described above.  It's not about losing weight, it's about changing the composition of your body, which is made up of muscle, fat, tissue, water and glycogen.  To get a lean body, your goal is to get rid of the body fat and maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible.

This is how you get in shape.  First get off the scale!  Stop worrying about your weight and only focusing on the number you see on the scale and start focusing on the percentage of body fat you're losing and keep eating your 4-6 small meals a day that will help to maintain your muscle.  If you don't focus on  maintaining the muscle, you will weigh less, however, you will have a soft and flabby out of shape body.  Which is so unattractive.  Remember, burning body fat while maintaining lean muscle is the key!  Not eating puts your body in a state of survival from starvation and your body will naturally begin to store fat.

Again, focus on your body fat percentage, continue to eat 4-6 small healthy meals daily, workout to gain and maintain muscle mass.  Do this, and I guarantee you will begin to see your body change into a lean mean muscle machine!  Well, you know what I mean....  :-)

Live Fit Live Strong

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